Eileen FRANCHI family tree

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Researcher :-Eileen FRANCHI's (nee NORTHEAST) EARWICKERs of Sidlesham Family Tree.

8x Gt. Grandparents, John EARWIGER, carpenter, and Mary TAYOR, married 15 Oct 1677
7xGt. Michael EARWICKER married Kathleen HOLDEN 31 Mar 1689 at Northmunden, both of Sidlesham, buried as Catherine ERWAKER 1719.
6xGt.  Michael EARWICKER and Mary MILES or James EARWICKER and Hannah SCRUSE (SCREWS) (brothers both with son John) sons of above.
5xGt. John EARWICKER- 1 of 2 abt. 1725, either son of Michael or James, above)  (poss. married Elizabeth)
4thxGt.  Mary ERWICKER bapt. 1754 m William WOOLVEN 1777 Sidlesham.
3rdxGt.  Ruth WOOLVEN, b.1779 Sidlesham m John CLARKE in 1798 at Felpham
2xGt  Harriot CLARK b. 1803 Felpham m. George NORTHEAST b. 1802 Eastergate, 1826 Felpham.
GtGrandparents  Edmund NORTHEAST b.1830 Eastergate, m Jane BURNINGHAM (b. 1839 Petworth), 1858 Eastergate.
Grandparents Thomas NORTHEAST, b. 1877 Old Shoreham, m Edith HIGGINS 1902 St. Nicholas Church Brighton.

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